Some of you might know that I am an avid fan of Apple and their products. Been using the platform since 2008, but considering how much info about this company and products there is online, personally I tend to not write about it here very often.
Still, saying this, I have some info that I would like to share.
Three years ago my friend from Slovenia (EU), Uroš, started a forum that is today already well-known place when we talk about Synology products and services, If you haven't visit it already, I encourage you to do so, if you have or plan on having a Synology product. Almost all of your ideas, and questions will be answered thanks to its daily growing number of well-versed members.
Hej-Apple!, your Slovenian Apple home
Building on that success, and being a massive Apple user himself, Uroš has decided to start yet another community but this time focused on the Apple universe.

Running on the same true and tested, feature-rich XenForo platform, this Hej-Apple forum could be your new daily favorite site to visit. What any new forum needs are members, so if you are coming from Slovenia, and are looking for an Apple friendly site, this is it.

Topics ranging from macOS, iOS, and iPadOS, all the way to Apple's new products and services, as well as tips and tricks and troubleshooting. You can write about anything, and with a well planned and organized platform, it will be easy to find all that you are looking for.

Being a brand new destination, it will take some time to get traction, but you can be sure that it is miles ahead regarding features, speed and uptime compared to some other Slovenian sites focused on the same topic.
All are welcome to contribute with their ideas, topics, tutorials, and resources in anyway. So, if you feel like you have something to say on the topic of Apple eco-system, while also boosting Apple user presence in Slovenia, be sure to visit
As Steve would say...
Only way to do great work, is to love what you do...
See you there!