For those who are not familiar with Synology C2 Object Storage service, it is Synology's new cloud-based S3-like service that was introduced following the roll-out of DSM 7.

Object Storage offers a 15GB-free tier as well as other commercial plans, and for more options as well as how the platform functions, be sure to read up on it in the following article.

Synology C2 Object Storage
NEW Synology C2 service is here. C2 Object Storage offers you a way to backup any unstructured data with no egress fees at all. Starting at $6.99

On top of this, not long ago I wrote about how the platform can be used as a Portainer backup destination. More info on that is in the next article.

Backup Portainer with Synology C2 Object Storage
A short tutorial on how to configure #Portainer to #backup its configuration to #Synology #C2 Object Storage. #Docker management

In this article, the focus will be on a recent change that happened before the end of 2022 in terms that Synology's Object Storage is now officially compatible with the Veeam Backup & Replication solution.

So let's see how we can use Veeam to backup data from our endpoint devices directly to C2 Object Storage.

Installing Veeam Backup & Replication v12

After making sure that you have the needed prerequisites, install the Veeam Backup & Replication.

WARNING: To be able to choose C2 Object Storage as a backup destination, a Veeam Enterprise license will be needed! Community Edition will not work!

NOTE: Just to be clear, the server component of Veeam can be installed on a Windows OS only and only on x86 or x64 architecture. No ARM support.

Beginning of the installation

The ISO file will offer several install options depending on what we want and need. Starting with a full install, all the way to Veeam Backup Manager or Console.

For the most part, we will need the first option to get Veeam installed and configured with C2 Object Storage

After the installation has been chosen, the license agreement and license file steps will follow. As mentioned before, in order to run the community version there is no need to provide the license file.

Depending on your system prerequisites, Veeam will try and install all that is needed while performing the system configuration check. In case there are some elements missing, like the Powershell version, or ASP.NET Core, the installer will flag it and allow you to install it manually before moving to the next step.

Veeam installation checking if all is in order to continue

Once all the prerequisites have been installed the process can continue with the actual installation process. There is an advanced step here (Customize settings options) that we can choose in order to change certain elements like a database (Postgres or MS SQL), service account as well as Veeam ports that are needed. Finally, we can choose the folder destination also.

Make sure all is in order or choose Customize settings to make changes

Finally, once we have configured it all, clicking the Install button will continue with the actual setup and configuration.

After the process has been completed, we will be ready to use Veeam Backup & Replication platform.

Creation of the destination C2 Object Storage bucket can be done following the guide posted at the start of this article. After the bucket has been created and the access and secret keys are written down, it is now time to configure and connect Veeam with C2 Object Storage.

Configure Object Storage as a Veeam repository

Once the installation of Veeam has been completed as well as the creation of the C2 Object Storage bucket, these are the steps to connect the two.

After opening Veeam Backup and Replication console we need to select the Backup Infrastructure section on the left-hand side and then Backup Repositories.

Click the Add Repository button in the top left side

As the image above shows, we need to select Add Repository button to start the wizard.

In the wizard, we select the Object Storage option at the bottom of the list, following the S3 Compatible option in the next step.

Select Object Storage...
... and then S3 Compatible

Next, a new wizard starts that will be used to actually configure the compatible S3 destination. Start by giving the name of the future repository. This parameter is optional, so enter what you want.

Give your future repository a name

The following step is the most important one and there are several parameters that need to be entered here.

Enter the C2 Object Storage parameters

Service point: enter the C2 object Storage endpoint URL, similar to this

Region: this parameter will be prepopulated with us-east-1 and leave it as it is

Credentials: click the Add button on the right side to open the access key and secret key input fields and enter the values that correspond to the C2 Object storage bucket.

We need to wait for the bucket connection to complete and once that is done we will be presented with a bucket step where we need to select the bucket that we want to use, as well as the folder inside the bucket.

Bucket and folder selection
Select the backup Veeam server (in case there is more then one) and click next

Once Veeam creates all that is needed the process will complete and the repository will be configured.

Everything checks out
C2 Object Storage, ready as a backup repository

There we have it, C2 Object Storage registered as a Veeam repository.

How to backup to C2 Object Storage using Veeam?

Before you can use C2 Object Storage as a backup destination, as was already noted before, we need Veeam to run with an Enterprise license. The process of the backup is straightforward and includes only a few steps.

The following example will demonstrate how to back up a single ISO file.

Using the Home button in the lower left corner will present the following toolbar, and the option to select Backup job options. From the list, we can then select File Share to start the backup wizard.

Select File share from the Backup job menu
Start of the backup process
Select the content that needs to be backed up
Make sure to choose C2 Object Storage as the backup repository and configure any advanced settings needed (versioning, compression, encryption, etc...)
Set an optional scheduling
and finally, complete the wizard to start the backup

Once the backup has started, we can use the console to follow along with the backup process. For this particular job a backup of 1.5GB of data, took about 12 min to complete.

The speed will depend on the client, the Veeam server as well as the upload network speed, so results might be different in most cases.

The console will report on the progress of the backup
C2 Object Storage is also registering the data being backed up

Data in the C2 cloud will be broken down into smaller blobs (extension will be .vblob), so restoring from C2 by a simple download will not work in this case. Just like the backup, the restore process needs to be initiated from the Veeam Backup & Replication platform.

How to restore data from C2 Object Storage using Veeam?

Using again the Home tab, unlike before when we used the Backup job function, this time around we will use the Restore > File share.

Click Restore > File Share to start the process
Select Restore individual files and folders
Select the object that we want to restore files from

After we have selected the device that has damaged or missing files that we need to recover, Veeam will mount its backup after contacting C2 Object storage and present it in a new Backup Browser window.

Backup Browser - use it to browse the already backed up data that needs to be restored

Once the file has been located, we can restore it or copy it to a new location by using the appropriate options in the toolbar at the top.

Restore process completed

Again, depending on the size of the data, as well as the speed of the Internet, files should be restored with no issue at all.

There we have it. A simple process of adding C2 Object Storage as a repository inside Veeam and a straightforward process of backing up and restoring. One more time, keep in mind that for this to work, Veeam needs to have a valid enterprise license.

Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions or suggestions on the topic at hand.