While this article will only cover SRM changes and new features, as well as any potential problems of the new SRM 1.3.x, if you are looking for a more detailed overview of the actual SRM and how to configure its various functions, please use the following two links.

These links cover reviews of the new Synology AX router models, but also how to set up and configure SRM on both.

Synology RT6600ax - NEW router for the Wi-Fi 6 era
The NEW Synology RT6600ax WIFI 6 router with SRM 1.3 is here!

RT6600ax review with SRM configuration

Synology WRX560 router review
The NEW WIFI6 Synology WRX560 router is here. A perfect companion to the recent addition. The RT6600ax.

WRX560 review with SRM configuration

UPDATE: 21/11/2023 - a NEW version of SRM is out: 1.3.1-9346 Update 8. Change log below

Version: 1.3.1-9346 Update 8


Important Note

The update will be available for selected regions within the following weeks, although the release time in each region may vary slightly.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where the RT6600ax might not be able to complete the boot process.
  2. Fixed the issue where the SRM web interface might be inaccessible.
  3. Fixed the issue where the LED indicators of the RT2600ac might not display properly prior to the initial SRM installation.
  4. Fixed the issue where the CPU utilization might reach 99% when IPv6 6rd was enabled.
  5. Fixed the issue where SRM might display the wrong notifications when there were more than 32 MAC filter rules created.
  6. Fixed the issue where SRM might not be able to automatically reconnect with VPN after rebooting the Synology Router.
  7. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-23:16)
  8. Fixed a security vulnerability. (Synology-SA-23:08)

UPDATE: 21/09/2023 - a NEW version of SRM is out: 1.3.1-9346 Update 7. Change log below

Version: 1.3.1-9346 Update 7


Important Note

The update will be available for selected regions within the following weeks, although the release time in each region may vary slightly.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where SRM might not automatically update the system according to the schedule.
  2. Fixed the issue where the Map function in Threat Prevention and Network Tools was not functioning properly.
  3. Fixed a security vulnerability. (Synology-SA-23:13)

UPDATE: 27/07/2023 - a NEW version of SRM is out: 1.3.1-9346 Update 6. Change log below

Version: 1.3.1-9346 Update 6


Important Note

The update will be available for selected regions within the following weeks, although the release time in each region may vary slightly.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-23:10)
  2. Minor bug fixes.

UPDATE: 04/05/2023 - a NEW version of SRM is out: 1.3.1-9346 Update 5. Change log below

Version: 1.3.1-9346 Update 5


Important Note

The update will be available for selected regions within the following weeks, although the release time in each region may vary slightly.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where Internet connection speed might be slow after Threat Prevention was enabled.
  2. Fixed the issue where the Default Policy in Traffic Control might not be enabled after rebooting the router.

UPDATE: 23/03/2023 - a NEW version of SRM is out: 1.3.1-9346 Update 4. Change log below

Version: 1.3.1-9346 Update 4


Important Note

The update will be available for selected regions within the following weeks, although the release time in each region may vary slightly.

What's New

  1. Added support for Google Pixel 6a USB tethering.
  2. Updated SRM to comply with current Wi-Fi connection laws in Thailand.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where Wi-Fi clients might become disconnected after a few days.
  2. Fixed the issue where SRM might fail to retain the previous Wi-Fi settings after updating the RT2600ac or the MR2200ac from SRM 1.2.5 to 1.3.
  3. Fixed the issue where region compatibility might not be enabled after enabling it through the web interface.
  4. Fixed the issue where wireless clients might be unable to access the Internet when connecting to an additional Wi-Fi point.
  5. Fixed the issue where additional Wi-Fi points might not automatically reconnect to the primary Wi-Fi point.
  6. Fixed the issue where SRM might not generate logs when a mesh Wi-Fi network is established via Ethernet connection.
  7. Fixed the issue where SRM might be unable to correctly save the LED settings on additional Wi-Fi points.
  8. Fixed the issue where the RT6600ax might be unable to connect to the Internet through Frontier Fiber ONT Internet service.
  9. Fixed the issue where the SRM might not be able to display the web interface.
  10. Fixed the issue where the Network Tools are unable to show the map.
  11. Minor bug fixes.

UPDATE: 22/12/2022 - a NEW version of SRM is out: 1.3.1.-9346 Update 3. Change log below

Version: 1.3.1-9346 Update 3


Important Note

The update will be available for selected regions within the following weeks, although the release time in each region may vary slightly.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-22:23, Synology-SA-22:25)


UPDATE: 10/11/2022 - a NEW version of SRM is here: 1.3.1-9346 Update 2. Change log below

Version: 1.3.1-9346 Update 2


Important Note

The update will be available for selected regions within the following weeks, although the release time in each region may vary slightly.

What's New

  1. Updated the system to comply with UKCA Wi-Fi connection laws on RT6600ax in the United Kingdom.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where clients on 802.11ac Wi-Fi network might not be able to connect to Synology Router.
  2. Fixed the issue where SRM might show the wrong LED status when a NAS with Wake-on-LAN enabled is connected.
  3. Fixed the issue where the IPTV & VoIP page on SRM 1.3.1 might not work properly when SRM was configured with M1-Fiber.
  4. Fixed the issue where the password rotation for the guest network might no longer work after restoring SRM settings.
  5. Fixed the issue where firewall rules might not work properly.
  6. Fixed the issue where Wi-Fi speeds might drop when a mesh system contains Wi-Fi points with older SRM versions.
  7. Fixed the issue where the IPTV could not switch channels after a certain number of times.
  8. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding dnsmasq (CVE-2022-0934).
  9. Minor bug fixes.
